Today we made a story about Christmas. We rolled a dice and had a piece of paper and we got random thing to use.
The disappearance of wonderful Christmas
¨It worked dancer they're all back wait Santa those donuts are for the never mind.¨
¨Hey Santa i heard about that party tonight where I am going to dance all night¨said Dancer.
¨Hey Santa i´m going to be blasting into that party tonight¨ Said comet.
¨Buddy Santa want me to blitz all that fruit tonight¨said blitzen.
“After 2 hours of talking to all the reindeers it's finally time to head to my great gingerbread house.”
¨Surprise!¨ everyone shouts as Santa opens the door. Then Santa disappeared
into the abyss. Then all the reindeers disappeared as fast as light. Dancer reappeared however no one else did. A random reindeer walked out known as Mike he ran out of the forest followed by, a reindeer known as Jacob he had a little Penguin with him. 
¨I have a mystery for you to solve if you fail poor santa and his reindeers won't take off tonight.¨
Then Jacob ran over to dancer and Mike “what are you doing” “what i want” a machine appeared from then everyone ran towards it and knocked it over everyone appeared the penguin ran and everyone cheered.
Everyone went back to the party.
¨It worked dancer they're all back wait santa those donuts are for the nevermind.¨